Thursday, May 17, 2012

1112.1712 (Leonardo A. Pachon et al.)

On the relativistic precession and oscillation frequencies of test
particles around rapidly rotating compact stars

Leonardo A. Pachon, Jorge A. Rueda, Cesar A. Valenzuela-Toledo
Whether analytic exact vacuum(electrovacuum) solutions of the Einstein(Einstein-Maxwell) field equations can accurately describe or not the exterior spacetime of compact stars remains still an interesting open question in Relativistic Astrophysics. As an attempt to establish their level of accuracy, the radii of the Innermost Stable Circular Orbits (ISCOs) of test particles given by analytic exterior spacetime geometries have been compared with the ones given by numerical solutions for neutron stars (NSs) obeying a realistic equation of state (EoS). It has been so shown that the six-parametric solution of Pach\'on, Rueda, and Sanabria (2006) (hereafter PRS) is more accurate to describe the NS ISCO radii than other analytic models. We propose here an additional test of accuracy for analytic exterior geometries based on the comparison of orbital frequencies of neutral test particles. We compute the Keplerian, frame-dragging, as well as the precession and oscillation frequencies of the radial and vertical motions of neutral test particles for the Kerr and PRS geometries; then we compare them with the numerical values obtained by Morsink and Stella (1999) for realistic NSs. We identify the role of high-order multipole moments such as the mass quadrupole and current octupole in the determination of the orbital frequencies especially in the rapid rotation regime. The results of this work are relevant to cast a separatrix between black hole (BH) and NS signatures as well as probe the nuclear matter EoS and NS parameters from the Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) observed in Low Mass X-Ray Binaries.
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