Tuesday, May 29, 2012

1102.5084 (A. E. Shalyt-Margolin)

Quantum Theory at Planck Scale, Limiting Values, Deformed Gravity and
Dark Energy Problem

A. E. Shalyt-Margolin
Within a theory of the existing fundamental length on the order of Planck's a high-energy deformation of the General Relativity for the space with horizon has been constructed. On this basis, Markov's work of the early eighties of the last century has been given a new interpretation to show that the heuristic model considered by him may be placed on a fundamental footing. The obtained results have been applied to solving of the dark energy problem, making it possible to frame the following hypothesis: a dynamic cosmological term is a measure of deviation from a thermodynamic identity (the first law of thermodynamics) of the high-energy (Planck's) deformation of Einstein equations for horizon spaces in their thermodynamic interpretation.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.5084

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