Wednesday, April 25, 2012

1204.5358 (Marina--Aura Dariescu et al.)

Approximative Analytic Study of Fermions in Magnetar's Crust;
Ultra-relativistic Plane Waves, Heun and Mathieu Solutions and Beyond

Marina--Aura Dariescu, Ciprian Dariescu
Working with a magnetic field periodic along $Oz$ and decaying in time, we deal with the Dirac-type equation characterizing the fermions evolving in magnetar's crust. For ultra-relativistic particles, one can employ the perturbative approach, to compute the conserved current density components. If the magnetic field is frozen and the magnetar is treated as a stationary object, the fermion's wave function is expressed in terms of the Heun's Confluent functions. Finally, we are extending some previous investigations on the linearly independent fermionic modes solutions to the Mathieu's equation and we discuss the energy spectrum and the Mathieu Characteristic Exponent.
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