Friday, April 20, 2012

1204.4339 (John C. Baez et al.)

Teleparallel Gravity as a Higher Gauge Theory    [PDF]

John C. Baez, Derek K. Wise
We show that general relativity can be viewed as a higher gauge theory involving a categorical group, or 2-group, called the teleparallel 2-group. On any semi-Riemannian manifold M, we first construct a principal 2-bundle with the Poincar\'e 2-group as its structure 2-group. Any flat metric-preserving connection on M gives a flat 2-connection on this 2-bundle, and the key ingredient of this 2-connection is the torsion. Conversely, every flat strict 2-connection on this 2-bundle arises in this way if M is simply connected and has vanishing 2nd deRham cohomology. Extending from the Poincar\'e 2-group to the teleparallel 2-group, a 2-connection includes an additional piece: a coframe field. Taking advantage of the teleparallel reformulation of general relativity, in which a coframe field, a flat connection and its torsion are the key ingredients, this lets us rewrite general relativity as a theory with a 2-connection for the teleparallel 2-group as its only field.
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