Tuesday, April 17, 2012

1204.3237 (Kohei Kamada et al.)

Evading the pulsar constraints on the cosmic string tension in
supergravity inflation

Kohei Kamada, Yuhei Miyamoto, Jun'ichi Yokoyama
The cosmic string is a useful probe of the early Universe and may give us a clue to physics at high energy scales where any artificial particle accelerators cannot reach. Although one of the most promising tools is the cosmic microwave background, the constraint from gravitational waves is becoming so stringent that one may not hope to detect its signatures in the cosmic microwave background. In this paper, we construct a scenario that contains cosmic strings observable in the cosmic microwave background while evading the constraint imposed by the recent pulsar timing data. We argue that cosmic strings with relatively large tension are allowed by delaying the onset of the scaling regime. We also show that this scenario is naturally realized in the context of chaotic inflation in supergravity, where the phase transition is governed by the Hubble induced mass.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1204.3237

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