Wednesday, April 4, 2012

1204.0089 (Daiqin Su et al.)

Energy Momentum Pseudo-Tensor of Relic Gravitational Wave in Expanding

Daiqin Su, Yang Zhang
We study the energy-momentum pseudo-tensor of gravitational wave, and examine the one introduced by Landau-Lifshitz for a general gravitational field and the effective one recently used in literature. In short wavelength limit after Brill-Hartle average, both lead to the same gauge invariant stress tensor of gravitational wave. For relic gravitational waves in the expanding universe, we examine two forms of pressure, $p_{gw}$ and $\mathcal{P}_{gw}$, and trace the origin of their difference to a coupling between gravitational waves and the background matter. The difference is shown to be negligibly small for most of cosmic expansion stages starting from inflation. We demonstrate that the wave equation is equivalent to the energy conservation equation using the pressure $\mathcal{P}_{gw}$ that includes the mentioned coupling.
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