Monday, March 26, 2012

1201.2422 (Marco O. P. Sampaio)

Angular correlations in TeV-gravity black hole events    [PDF]

Marco O. P. Sampaio
We perform a parton level study of angular correlations, in higher dimensional black hole events scenarios at the LHC. We start by discussing some features of the angular spectrum in the high energy limit using the geometrical optics approximation. This allows us to recover the high energy limit of the Hawking fluxes. Then we use the full Hawking angular fluxes on the brane, for a singly rotating Myers-Perry black hole, to motivate the construction of various angular observables as to maximise the angular asymmetries due to rotation. This is finally adapted to a parton level simulation using the CHARYBDIS2 generator. We explore two types of variables based on: axis reconstruction and two-particle angular correlators. We find energy cuts which have the potential to help identify the effects of rotation in semi-classical rotating black hole events at the LHC during the 14 TeV run, especially for spin-1 particles.
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