Thursday, February 16, 2012

1108.5886 (Sungwook E. Hong et al.)

The Possibility of Inflation in Asymptotically Safe Gravity    [PDF]

Sungwook E. Hong, Young Jae Lee, Heeseung Zoe
We examine the inflationary modes in the cubic curvature theories in the
context of asymptotically safe gravity. On the phase space of the Hubble
parameter, there exists a critical point which corresponds to the slow-roll
inflation in Einstein frame. Most of the e-foldings are attained around the
critical point for each inflationary trajectories. If the coupling constants
$g_i$ have the parametric relations generated as the power of the relative
energy scale of inflation $H_0$ to the ultraviolet cutoff $\Lambda$, a
successful inflation with more than 60 e-foldings occurs near the critical
point. When the inflation energy scale is comparable to the cutoff, the quantum
fluctuation could exit the inflationary phase with insufficient e-foldings.
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